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Cajual Aperitivo

Intense sweet taste,
bitter tannins,
warm mate notes & botanical scents 

Our secret recipe is centered around an undiscovered tropical fruit, the CashewFruit

Perfect with
Gin, Bourbon or
Straight on the Rocks
with a slice of citric

Copos de vinho

liquid frontier for
joyful moments &
celebration of life

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Where to Find Us

Customer Support 

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm

+55 21 4042 8338

Cajual Bebidas Comercio e Industria Ltda. 

CNPJ: 31.459.121/0001-20 

Rua Nilza Chiapeta Fadigas nº 274, parte, Várzea, CEP 25963150 - Teresópolis/RJ - Brazil

®️ Marca Registrada. Todos os direitos reservados.

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